Systeme D


Starting renderd with upstart.

The canonical instructions for setting up an OpenStreetMap tileserver suggest that you use init.d to start renderd on boot.

init.d is a bit gnarly and antiquated, however. upstart is much more pleasant; the config files are simpler and it's easier to chain one event off another. Which, as it happens, is what we want to do here; we want renderd to fire up once Postgres is running. Except that Postgres is started by an init.d script, not an upstart one. Gah.

So here's how to get it running:

Firstly, edit the Postgres startup script to emit init events on starting. You do this by adding initctl emit lines to /usr/share/postgresql-common/init.d-functions. For our purposes we only need to add

initctl emit postgresql-started

immediately after

do_ctl_all start "$1" "Starting PostgreSQL $1 database server"

But if you want to add the whole suite, this posting shows how to do it.

Next, we create /etc/init/renderd.conf as an upstart job:

# renderd

description "renderd"

start on postgresql-started
stop on runlevel [016]

setuid osm
setgid staff

  renderd -f -c /usr/local/etc/renderd.conf 1>>/var/log/renderd.log 2>>/var/log/renderd.log
end script

This will start renderd only after Postgres has started.

However, renderd needs to have a socket sitting within /var/run/renderd. We could in theory create that in renderd.conf, but I prefer that to run as the osm user, and not to allow the latter to create directories. So we add a second upstart job as /etc/init/renderd_socket.conf:

# renderd socket

description "Create renderd socket folder"

start on starting renderd

  mkdir /var/run/renderd
  chown osm /var/run/renderd
end script

Obviously, change osm if your user is called something else.

Reboot, and renderd should be up and running using upstart.

Posted on Tuesday 27 August 2013. Link.

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